WTB in Bulk: General Mats/Sorcerous Air & Fire/Felblight

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WTB in Bulk: General Mats/Sorcerous Air & Fire/Felblight

Postby Onydruid » Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:25 pm

Hey guys! I've been posting in trade and am about to post on bnet forums, so I figured I'd post here as well.

If you're a farmer, or just want to get rid of your supply, PM or post here and we can discuss further! I will be looking to buy supply for the remainder of WoD, therefore I'll always be here, ready to give you gold!

Ore/Leather/Fur/Dust are not as much of a priority, but I will still buy if price is reasonable.

(Note: only looking to buy WoD materials)

Herbs: 180g/stack (90s/item)
Felblight: 90g/item
Sorc. Air/Fire: 1600g/stack (8g/item)

Sick of having to deal with the AH taking a percentage of your hard earned money? Ignore the pain and time involvement of the AH and just CoD: Onydruid!
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