by Farazin » Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:50 pm
Hey all, good to see you're doing so well. Stuff's been busy on this end, with school and getting ready for a summer wedding. Thought I would relate this story...figured Root would especially get a kick out of it.
Earlier this year, I was in the ER of my hospital (fiancee had a mild concussion...long story). Was in the waiting room while they were performing a full neuro workup on her. While I was there was this drunk undergrad came in, and took the seat next to me. She starts talking, I answered a bit, and then she says she never had "Indian" before. I thought she was talking about food, so I said that generally it was pretty good in Boston. All of a sudden, she grabs my crotch and says she's willing to try some. At that point my fiancee walks in, sees the shocked look on my face and the hand grabbing my crotch, and decks the other girl (concussion and all). It took a while, but I get a kick out of it every time I tell that story.
Goes to show you can meet anyone in an ER at 3:00AM.