
Some of our very best, and most memorable members


Postby Sparty » Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:02 pm

Atmai aka Maverick. Atmai joined us during the Sunwell era when guilds were falling apart all over the place to one of our favourite bosses: M’uru. This fight was the epitome of perfection. High dps, high threat, excellent coordination. Each side’s dps had to be riding the threat’s tank, the dps needed to go balls to the wall. And of course your dispels needed to be perfect, all in the first phase. He joined us when we were at a weaker point, a number of classless players had gone to supposed greener pastures. We were shorthanded, but here comes Atmai, guild leader of Tribulation, with a number of incredible guys behind him.

Few understand on how thin a string some guilds hold onto to stay alive. We’ve been in that situation a number of times. But here came 6 amazing players, with strong applications, strong interviews. I did extensive background checks on all of them and gave them a shot. Those guys are still core members of our guild today.

Atmai was not only a great shaman, he was the best dps shaman we’ve ever had. Amazing numbers, excellent theorycraft, charisma, and experience leading people. When a former officer applies to us, I generally know, that they know what it takes for a guild to succeed, what sacrifices need to be made for a guild to work out. Sometimes guilds are victims of their poor population servers. Tribulation’s loss was our gain. Atmai quickly fit in, destroyed everything in his path, and if he died, self rez and frost shock..

Over the months I saw that he still had that leadership spark in him, so I gave him more things to do, his own smaller raids to run. When you promote someone to an officer, it should feel natural. People should think: ‘well its just a formality now, everyone knows that he/she has earned it.’ So I generally don’t make mistakes when doing this(Don’t nitpick people!).

He took over some much needed raid leading and led in a similar style to Rootleaf/Onewarf. He had a natural presence about him. People respected his decisions, his leadership. He was a nice guy, but he also kept people accountable and knew when to be firm. Our progression through WotLK simply wouldn’t have been as good without him.

Again, Atmai was part of the DJ family. So when he got married(what is it with DJ officers and hot wives?), and later when his girl was born, of course we saw pictures but that was the end of his raiding career. He has helped us out again from time to time and his contribution to the guild will never be forgotten. Why is his nickname Maverick? Well he works with the Air Force, repairing fighter jets. We’d frequently be victim to his afks where he had to quickly inspect aircraft. What is he doing now? Flying those jets and Blackhawks. He can correct me if I’m mistaken here.

So since his retirement, we’ve been looking to find another shaman half as good as him. Its probably his fault though that he set the bar so high for everyone else. But that’s the kind of person you want in a guild, and in the Hall of Fame. You want to wish everyone was as good as them. He’s the kind of guy that everyone, including me, learns from.
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Postby Kumduh » Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:51 pm

I will forever remember Atmai in association with Clare's video, and respect him all the more for it. ... 283a4.html
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Postby Clarendon » Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:36 pm

I have to give Integrity credit for giving me the idea for that one specifically, still, a classic.
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Postby Atmai » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:47 pm

Flying Blackhawks before years end! I figured I would've made the Hall of Shame :P Miss raiding with you all! (just kidding, only some!) :D
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