LF Kira,Moon,Silk

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LF Kira,Moon,Silk

Postby Trejo » Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:48 pm

First off thank you for allowinf me to access the forums and the web appreciate it. My name is Trejo and i am looking for Kira, Moon, and Silk. Holy crap its been what...6 years?!?! I hope you guys are all well and that life has gotten better since last time i talked to you guys. I have been forward deployed to Iraq/Gulf since the war started and kind of lost track of the virtual world and everyone and just reentering society again after so many years. Lol i hope Kira still holding on to that jaw broken wolf pulling 1/2 of ZA on a timed run, Moon...yes Kira is Canadian...and i hope you are still the voice of wisdom like those old days in wipe runs in MGT trying to get that tanking trinket ad me and Silk used to go at it cuz he insisted that "druid tanking gear is OP for heals"....hum...i hope that changed lol...and Johnny haha...are we there yet sonny??!!..I missed you guys very much and there was not one day i turned a computer and didn't think about you guys. I am glad that Kira and Moon did not change their names and every now and then i'd try armoring you two to see wherer you were at and try not to loose track so when i got back to the world i'd be able to find you. I hope to hear form you guys soon, i'd still have to install and get my account setup but meh i havent' played it in over 5 years so im probably still wearing that old school ZA battle tank gear set lol. Love you guys and please feel free to e-mail me at guilartd@gmail.com or my military e-mail guilarted@ddg63.navy.mil ... tell johnny he still owes me my Guardian of Cenarius farm title run.... !!!!!!!

Old Grumpy Trejo

Remember this????....
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Postby Kiramaren » Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:03 pm

Holy shit you're alive!
This Avatar is approved by Moonfaxx! And brought to you by Kira ;)
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Postby Moonfaxx » Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:52 pm

HOLY CRAP, man, how have you been?? I told Kira this morning that I saw that a "Trejo" had registered on the website, and I told myself there was no way that it was you. So awesome to see you! I saw Shadowfly on Norgannon two days ago... Was gonna whisper her asking how she's been and if she'd been in touch with you at all.

Silko was in the guild for a bit, but he had a baby a little while back. I still see him online, but he's on a different realm now. Oh man, Silk and his love for bear tanking... :) Do you remember how terrified I was tanking in my very first raid with you and Silk for Mag?? I will never forget that experience. I spammed sunders like there was no tomorrow while praying that Omo would keep me alive.

By the way, I @#$%ing LOVE your ZA set. And I did finally get that trinket. Sadly, I haven't hardly touched my warrior, but you can still see he's got the trinket equipped!

The game has changed a lot since you've been gone (both good and bad), but one thing remains -- Kira and I still raid like crazy. :)

It's awesome to know you're back! I remember picking you up on my mammoth mount years ago and how funny it was that your mind was blown that you could use other people's mounts. Warrior tanking (and tanking in general) has changed quite a bit since BC, but some of the core elements are still there. Where is your bro at these days? What happened to Blood of Vengeance? I remember guilds like Eternal Keggars, Champions of Gabriel, Way of the Warrior, Invincible, and of course, Electus Pauci, back when Norgannon was one of the largest realms with top world guilds. Sadly, it's pretty barren there these days, and that's pretty much how Kira and I (and Sylvur, Taris, Pallinian, Eloriya, Odii, Daario, and others) landed on Stormrage.

Hope to see you around soon! If not in-game, at least keep in touch on these forums. :)

PS - That screenshot is awesome. The scatman video is still on Youtube!

Marxman wrote:
Moonfaxx wrote:Mage -- The True Hero Class™

Moonfaxx is the greatest, and he invented mage chat.
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Postby Eloriya » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:02 pm

Trejo, I don't know if you remember me, I knew you only briefly before you went away. Glad to see you're still kickin around. I was probably still playin my rogue Endure at the time. Might have been on the priest. Not sure now!
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Postby Trejo » Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:08 am

YOOooo!! Whats up!! im so glad you guys are still around kicking. Yes Kira im still alive chica it was a long campaign but we came through :) how have you been ?? Moon bro im so happy to hear ur still ignoring ur procs lmfao...i will never forget that day u tanked in TK it was something else i never seen anyone keep 5 sunders up continuosly hahaha..good times. Man i tell ya, and this i can swear on my grnadma's grave...there wasn't one day i would hop on a pc and not armor you guys. See how you guys were doing, and what realm guild u were playing with. I didnd't want to loose track of you all. I got back from the desert about 2 months ago and fina;;y got around to installing wow and asking around for yall. I did loose Johnny 's number hes gota be amped up with the news of being a father woww he finally got around to it we used to tlak about these stuff back in the days and he would always say "nawwwwwwww man not yet" and here we are lol. Well i can;'t be saying much i used to say i would be forever solo, and now im engaged overseas and having a baby in a couple of months we just found out 2 weeks ago...and oh boy what a ride did i get myself into...phewwwwwww those latinas and their pms's #$%@^(*@&^...lol but u guys will love her shes a wonderful woman. As far as my brother hes doing good he just got shipped off to Airborne Ranger school i hope he make sit...hes been playing here and there i think still as cocky as ever and every now and then asks about Kolbeck i guess they still in touch i havent talked to him in a few years. Yea the game has indeed changed i logged on last night tried running a heroic and got through it w.o knowing a single boss fight...meh...idk maybe was just pure luck but i noticed theres no more ccing or coordinating pulls anymore like back then when we ran SP heroic, MGT and so forth it took skill,time and exp now is just...go in clean ur hands get out in less than 30 minutes /.... and theres also a LFG channel too and Raid...wth?!?!? i doubt tanking is the same, pretty sure theres no more 5-6 gear sets requirements, resistance sets and so on, no more ccing, but i heard the boss fights are pretty tough and loaded with tons of new stuff so i cant wait to get my hands on that at some point it would be awesome! I did play some last expansion but it was on my brother's server and played casual pvp rateds and what not but nothing serious while i was on leave then dissapeared again. Lol i do see your warrior still has the same gear...lmfao ur 10 levels behind sonny time to grow some more. I do remember those guys, Sylvur (rogue someone's brother i think), Taris (paladin if i remember quite), Pallinian deff remember him, Eloriya how could i forget ya, i think i was the one who recruited you along with some friends or was it a family member i dont remember quite but i do remember you, didn't you used to have a druid and a priest? anywho its always nice to see reunite with friends :) ! Yea man deffinately brother i will stay in touch hopefully im in land for sometime and no one decides to start some shit all over but eitherway im expecting to have a camp fire on skype this weekend with you guys and hopefully Silko is able to join up again. Illgive you all my contact information so u can get in touch with me in case something happens and i fall off the face of the earth you will always have a way to find me...FUCK is good to fucking see you guys :):)!

civilian e-mail: guilartd@gmail.com (only use when in-port)
military: guilartd@ddg63.navy.mil (when out to sea/deployed)
cellphone: dguilarte617@ezweb.ne.jp (e-mail text msg use for inport emergencies - raiding IS an emergency lol)
facebook: www.facebook.com/public/Dago-Guilarte-Castro (ADD ME only way i stay in touch with my friends and family when out to sea)
skype: dagoberto.e.guilarte.castro (please ADD ME!!!)

thats pretty much all of it...lol
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Postby Trejo » Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:11 am

lol LMFAO that last video that Sylvur made i can see Andrusha ... competing with me to have the EXACT SAME gear set all the time...lmfao good times! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Moonfaxx » Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:58 pm

Marxman wrote:
Moonfaxx wrote:Mage -- The True Hero Class™

Moonfaxx is the greatest, and he invented mage chat.
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