Mage Guide to Siege

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Mage Guide to Siege

Postby Henzington » Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:24 am

There is actually alot less to cover with mages as living bomb is by far the best single talent except on 3 fights possibly 4 where there are enough adds to justify using nether tempest. Unfortunately, arcane prefers mastery over crit and haste so unlike fire and frost which you can use similar gear for Arcane. Personally, I hate arcane as a spec but it is about ahead on first 11 fights but the amount of movement on the last 3 makes fire a clear winner. If you can get to 9762 haste frost armor is a clear winner over mage armor due to the tick from living bomb as well as better scaling due to the multiplicative nature of haste. It is possible that mage armor could be better again at full bis since you can get to 13163 haste but this depends on the gcd.

All 3 specs are viable for most fights including surprisingly frost. Arcane is ahead on most if positioning is done properly but frost can be decent due to the changes made in 5.4. With frost, you should use only 2p t 16 as the 4p is terribly undertuned. The advantage of frost is you can use the same gear as your arcane spec because haste>mastery>crit is the stat weights are quite similar to arcane mastery>haste>crit. Sadly fire still uses completely different gear since it values crit then haste and mastery lowest. ... Mage-Guide
This method guide covers just about everything I am not a huge fan of greater invis but overall quite good and it includes a haste plateu spreadsheet



-Living bomb is best as the adds are barely up long enough to even get a single tick on them
-The adds can be slowed, snared, etc so feel free to use Cone of Cold or Frost Nova
-As on most fights double blink is great besides that no glyphs are really a big deal one way or the other



-Nether Tempest is better here due to all the cleaving possible throughout the fight
-If you get Mark of Anguish, use Iceblock as it completely negates all damage
-If you do go fire the extra cleave from inferno blast glyph is worth using as there are 5 adds up that can be grouped up



-Living bomb is again best the adds should die so quickly that you will get most of your ticks from the boss
-The fact that the adds are not grouped up makes the quick burst target switch of arcane great for nuking the small and large adds
-Unless you get to purified early focusing the adds while keeping living bomb on the boss is best as your damage on the boss will be greatly reduced
-Be very careful with blink the many uneven parts of the floor make blink fail quite a bit
-When you do go down make sure to keep living bomb on the adds and use blink when possible to get behind the adds and do not bother to put down rune if you are arcane



-Living Bomb again for the same reason as Nourshen
-The best place to stand is quite close to the boss since you need to in range for the grip and close if you happen to get sent into pacman
-The small adds should die on their own just through cleave but the fragments and the big adds should be focused
-The big adds can be counterspelled and silenced
-Best to use double blink again to get to rifts and then back to position



-Nether Tempest is great for this fight due to all the mobs giving in to take advantage of the Blizzard cast by Janna
-The best position for yourself is just southeast of the first tower and southwest of the second tower at the bottom of the hill where you can help with the grunts especially important while the kill team is finishing the first tower to kill the grunt on the demo team
-Cone of Cold glyph is worth using if you don't need to help kill the grunts otherwise just stay where stated above
-If targeted by the flame orb you can again use double blink to quickly get out then back in



-It is important to not be too close to the fence as arcane because it will force your camera close and prevent you from placing rune of power on the ground
-Temporial Shield will completely negate 2 of the 3 shock pulses with greater invis the ability is completely trivial
-Barrage is the only ability that can kill you especially during siege mode just move out either with icy floes as arcane, scorch as fire, or frostfire bolt/ice lance as frost



-If you group up both bosses nether tempest and if not then go with living bomb
-This fight has a ton of movement if you happen to group up both bosses fire will be ahead on damage due to the ability to cleave combustion onto both bosses each time if not arcane is a better choice
-The toxic storms are pretty much the only ability that can easily kill you so move out of the quickly
-Double blink is again a life saver both getting through a toxic storm or falling ash
-Arguments can be made for Ice Barrier or Temporal Shield, I prefer temporal shield because with the healing it provides afterward you get more overall damage soaked but if you are having trouble living through the damage from the tomb or falling ash just use Ice Barrier



-Living Bomb for this boss there are only 3 adds and the boss; several of the adds are difficult to get to stack for cleaves like the arc weaver and sniper
-Living Bomb can be kept on the boss even in defensive since it doesn't do damage when applied
-The assassin will hit you even if you are invis so its best to use Ice Block if you get low
-This a great fight for frost due to the fact you can keep your pet on the boss the entire time as well as Living Bomb if you use that



-Ice Barrier is a must since it is counted in addition to the normal shield for this fight and will soak most of the damage from an orb if you hit one
-It is vital to place your rune of power in the middle of your section if you are arcane and use icy floes to move slightly if orbs or pools spawn nearby
-If pool is far blink then blink back but don't do this if for some reason you don't have two druids to remove the debuff during the stack phase
-The Malkorok room looks very similar without landmarks to originate yourself keep your rune of power in your section its a helpful landmark since other mage's runes with appear dull
-If your shield is low either because you hit an orb or healing use Iceblock to soak a pool so you don't die



-Nether Tempst is a clear winner here with the number of mobs
-It is possible to spellsteal the rage of the empress as well as the residue from the medium adds on mantid side
-Line of Sight can be terrible on this fight so use blink and place a rune of power if arcane
-You can iceblock the bombs on mantid but it is much safer to simply blink out throw them out and then blink back



-Arcane is better for the scream phase in terms of pure damage but kite phase means that there is a large amount of movement so fire is a better spec for heroic
-Glyph of Armors along with molten armor means a 16% reduction of each scream along with temporal shield can negate a large amount of damage during the scream phase
-Greater Invis is a great talent as it removes the dot during the poison phase as well as removes fixate during the kite phase
-Even though there are bats on heroic living bomb is still better because they are up so little time and the yeti doesn't stay in cleave range of the boss for long



-Arcane is fine for the platform but it is useless if you ever have to go up on the belt
-None the adds last long enough and the shredders takes greatly reduced damage so Living Bomb is again the best bet
-Greater Invis can be quite useful as it will prevent saw blades but there is a lot of times when u can take lethal damage so cauterize isn't a bad option either
-Double blink can be hugely helpful in both getting to the belt if needed as well as allowing you to just avoid 2/3 beams on the belt itself
-Don't invis while being targeted by a laser it will just pick another target



-Living bomb is the best bet since single target damage is all that matters for this fight
-Invis can remove aim as well as mesmerize so use it as it makes the fight vastly easier
-Ice Barrier is useful for aim as well as fire lines along with molten armor aim can be easily sucked without using cauterize
-This is one of the few fights where you can actually use more then 4 charges of your mana gem so consider glyph of mana gem as arcane
-It is quite useful to polly the parasites as they do considerable damage
Last edited by Henzington on Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mage Guide to Siege

Postby Henzington » Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:13 pm

Siegebreaker added
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Re: Mage Guide to Siege

Postby Henzington » Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:05 pm

Paragons of the klaxxi added
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