Tales of Noobery

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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Marxman » Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:16 am

My first character was a Druid on Shadowsong. I got to level 8, the whole time just dreaming of becoming a kitty. I realized I didnt get Kitty until level 20 (was it 20 back then? 24? whatever). Gave up, rerolled a warrior on Stormrage. It took me close to 6 months to level with dual wield Arms, playing off and on. I found leveling really tedious, because obviously warriors were really bad at leveling back then, and I was playing DW Arms because I was retarded.

Within maybe a month of being 60 I rolled a Mage for enchanting. Ended up LOVING the class, but still a warrior I remained. Then I apped to some actual guilds... Found 'Ignite', which was a pretty decent guild back in vanilla before it exploded under the weight of the GM's ego. They had 1 mage on their roster at the time, and hey, I had a mage. So I apped at level 50. They accepted me, and I raced to 60 as fast as I could (which in vanilla wasn't very fast). Ended up doing my first "real" raid ever wearing entirely "of Frozen Wrath" gear. Blackwing Lair. Yeah, that was a rough few weeks.
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Schomberg » Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:17 am

Before I made my first character I added up all the stats like strength, intellect, stamina, spirit, and agility to determine what class and spec would be the strongest out of them all. My first character was a tauren druid (based on the op stats at lvl one) which I got to level four and then swapped to a dwarf paladin which I still play now. Also I didn't get the max level ground mount speed till level 70 because I was so poor back then, fun times haha.
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Dorfster » Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:56 am

Marxman wrote:I found leveling really tedious, because obviously warriors were really bad at leveling back then, and I was playing DW Arms because I was retarded.

Leveling a warrior back then was so weird, mostly due to DW being broken as hell. They fixed it moderately quickly, but for the first 20-ish levels on Dorf, the DW hit penalty was so harsh that you were better off using no weapon in your offhand.

The fun part was that when they reduced the penalty somewhat, DW suddenly became really good for rage generation, and since you could still quickly weapon swap through macros, you'd build up rage DWing, then macro in a 2hander for MS and Overpower, then back to DW to build rage.
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Smrtnik » Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:45 pm

Dorfster wrote:
Marxman wrote:I found leveling really tedious, because obviously warriors were really bad at leveling back then, and I was playing DW Arms because I was retarded.

Leveling a warrior back then was so weird, mostly due to DW being broken as hell. They fixed it moderately quickly, but for the first 20-ish levels on Dorf, the DW hit penalty was so harsh that you were better off using no weapon in your offhand.

The fun part was that when they reduced the penalty somewhat, DW suddenly became really good for rage generation, and since you could still quickly weapon swap through macros, you'd build up rage DWing, then macro in a 2hander for MS and Overpower, then back to DW to build rage.

that's like that poison swap thing that existed briefly during ToGC era.

OK, my noob story in Beta. I wanted to play a tauren shaman (because was closest to WC3 unit i liked) in release, so for beta i made a NE female priest (was kind of weirded out that NE male priest was allowed) to see the alliance story. Early on before you even get to Darnassus there is some cave where there was a druid NPC (he went crazy, kill him) but somehow i misread the quest. Next thing you know I'm complaining in General chat about this druid ganker and asking how he's able to attack me is it because it's a PvP server. Then later I made it to loch modan, loved the ambiance, and decided to roll either a dwarf or a gnome at release because of it.
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Kexcalibur » Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:08 pm

My first character in vanilla was a warrior, "Ixxdiabloxxl". Much like Dex, I saved all my hard-earned copper to buy that "awesome" white gear from the vendors. However, after I bought my new items and quested (read: died) a bunch of times, I couldnt afford to repair because I couldn't kill anything with my broken gear. That character still sits at level 9 on Muradin with his broken gear and no gold to repair it. I told my experienced friend about this (the guy who introduced me to the game) and he howled laughing, and told me to make a new character on Stormrage so he could make sure I didn't do that again. I rerolled a paladin on SR and the rest is history.
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Shockeirah » Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:05 pm

My first character in Vanilla, 2 weeks prior to the release of BC was my priest Mysteria (Previously known as Fanassaria(Picked by Blizzard)). I had never played a video game in my life. Not even Commodore 64, N64, Atari, Sega .. nothing. I knew nothing about anything to do with gaming. I got into my first guild at lvl 15 on her. I fell immediately in love with the game. I made up my own point systems in the talent tree as I went along having no clue what was what and trying to make sense of everything. It wasn't until I met a person when I was out in Hellfire that I learned about Add ons and was scared to use them thinking that they were some sort of malicious software. I leveled to 70 as shadow and once I hit 70 I switched to holy. I went into the dungeons, clicking on my party member then healing then switching to another member and healing them. I was pretty damn good at it and learned to be super fast with the "clicker" haha. Then when I started running Kara in 10 mans, a fellow healer introduced me to Healbot.... My very first add on. Things were so much easier after I had discovered curse client. So leveling from 1-70 and raiding before I had ANY Add-ons what-so-ever.

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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Autumnlily » Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:07 pm

I remember leveling as frost on my mage at the very end of BC, I explicitly avoided putting any talent points into anything to do with frostbolt -- I figured that if frostbolt was my low level spell, there is NO way that I'd be using it at higher levels, so why waste the points? ...Boy was I wrong, hah.
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Denal » Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:17 pm

Back in BC when i first started i would put on parry gear on my bear until i started doin heroic dungeons and found out i cant even tank the basic mobs let alone bosses haha
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Moonfaxx » Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:15 pm

Denal wrote:Back in BC when i first started [...] found out i cant even tank the basic mobs let alone bosses haha

Some things never change.
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Henzington » Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:05 pm

I rolled a paladin as my first toon enough said as they were basically only auto attack and pray for seal of command procs.
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Denal » Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:08 am

hahaha moon good one
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Re: Tales of Noobery

Postby Moonfaxx » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:54 pm

Bump for more stories.
Marxman wrote:
Moonfaxx wrote:Mage -- The True Hero Class™

Moonfaxx is the greatest, and he invented mage chat.
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