Some Shoutouts:
Bran - You are probably the nicest person I have met in this game I have truly enjoyed raiding with you and playing many late night games of Overwatch

Lirchy - Potatos need love too! I really enjoyed our Diablo time, and I hope that we play again in the new season! I also hope to see you in the Saturday run

Brainded - While I didn't talk to you much I also really enjoyed raiding with you

Firemancer - Suuuuuuuh Dude
Roshhi - Between you and Bran I really enjoyed both of your raid leading and strats. Also another awesome player and someone I really enjoyed playing Overwatch with as well

Panzar - We didn't talk much at first, but now we Boiz. I learned a lot from you man. Come on 99 stack dream in Legion. You got dis.
Jungle - Another great player. I really enjoyed raiding with you and playing Overwatch. I will save you from all of the Harambes next time!
Marxman - While I never got to play with you
While I probably left quite a few of you out you are not forgotten. I love all you guys